Casacuesta Design|横須賀市を拠点としたWeb制作(ホームページ制作)スタジオ






一つのテーマとして「1945」を掲げ、戦争の話はもちろん、日本の文化・風習、アンビリバボーな話、なんでもない日常の話、etc… リアルな1945年前後の話を全国各地のおじいちゃんおばあちゃんに聞きたい!聞きたくても聞くことができなくなってしまう日がやってくる前に、おじいちゃんおばあちゃんが体験した「1945」を、若者たち、子どもたち、未来へ伝達していきたい。




Under the theme of “1945” among others, we would like to hear the real stories from old men and women in various regions in Japan about the war as well as Japanese culture and customs, unbelievable happenings and daily lives in those days around 1945. Before it is too late to hear the old people’s stories, we have to do something to make their experiences around 1945 to be handed down to young people and children and generations in the future.

Our web site called “1945” will introduce movies of stories told by old men and women who experienced the days around 1945. (One story is 10 to 15 minutes.) In general, stories of common people will be published but interviews with prominent persons may be introduced in some cases if possible. We also plan to produce and sell T-shirts and other goods, works of painting, music, etc. under the theme of “1945” in collaboration with outstanding artists, creators and businesses as a means to support active operation of the web site and activities to collect stories.

In addition to the web site, we are planning to hold events to show movies of these interviews to the public on a regular basis. In cooperation with a mobile movie theater, Kino Iglu, interview films and other movies in relation to “1945” will be shown. Furthermore, live performances and live paintings by various artists and creators will be presented in those events.

Formal opening of the web site “1945” is scheduled in February 2015. To learn about the days around “1945” from diversified viewpoints, we hope to archive as many stories as possible told by old people in many parts of Japan and in extended areas of foreign countries if possible.


Date: 2015

Client: 株式会社ブライトン

Element: Photohop/Illustrator/Worpdress/jQuery

Tag: 戦争体験
